Saturday, May 18, 2013


Over spring break my mom and I went to North Carolina on a mother/daughter trip. We had a blast. We sang to music with the windows down, ate a ton of Chickfila, sat in rocking chairs at Cracker Barrel, stopped at an apple orchard, and shopped at the local mall. I couldn't ask for a better mother. I love her to death. 

The apple orchard was beautiful and the blossoms were super colorful. Bees swarmed around every tree. The weather was absolutely fantastic. I loved every bit of the trip. 


I just had to bring my camera along. Hannah is my best friend and she is so perfect. The weather is wonderful and everything is so green. It was ninety degrees outside and shady. We biked thirteen miles and had a blast. As a result we woke up the next morning with sore feet and sore butts. It was completely worth it though. Biking is one of my favorite summer activities. I am biking five miles a day or more to prepare for a bike trip I am taking this summer in California. Super excited and very blessed!